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Proje Adı
Gelişmiş Otonom İHA Tasarımı
Şirket Adı
Şirket Mentoru
Dr. Nail Çadallı
Akademik Mentor
Prof. A. Bülent Özgüler
Onur Külçe
Takım Üyeleri
Buğra Çetingök, Güvenç Özçay, Yağız Ünal, Doruk Çetintaş, Ahmet Can Üçüncü
Autonomous Multirotor with Advanced Collision Avoidance (ATMACA) is a multirotor that is armed by four rotors, a GoPro camera, multiple sonars and a first person view (FPV) module. Quadcopters use two sets of identical propellers; two clockwise and two counter-clockwise. Control of vehicle motion is achieved by changing the rotation rate of one or more rotor discs, thereby altering its torque load and lift characteristics by radio control. When the multirotor is capable of autonomous flight, independent of radio control, it functions as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). ATMACA can fly autonomously based on pre-programmed flight plans that are installed into Ardu-Pilot Mega (APM) board which is integrated on the quadcopter. APM board is an open source autopilot system and it allows the user to change multirotor vehicle into a fully autonomous vehicle. APM also works together with its Global Positioning System (GPS) module in order to perform programmed GPS missions with waypoints, gyroscope and additional sensors on itself which are accelerometer, barometer and other feedback sensors. The novelty of our product which distinguishes ATMACA from standard quadcopters is; following a designated route, stopping at coordinated checkpoints, having a flight stability mode, avoiding collision risks and taking photo and/or video during flight. Regarding these expectations, the strategy is to work on hardware and software development simultaneously. Up to now, several pre-planned flights with video recordings and flight stability are accomplished. Although collision avoidance and FPV are implemented, quality tests are to be conducted. Testing of implemented hardware and software is conducted on a safe platform that causes no harm to surroundings.