
< Projeler Sayfası

Proje Adı
FPGA Üzerinde Birincil Temel Uçuş Göstergesi Dizaynı ve Uygulaması

Şirket Adı

Şirket Mentoru
Dr. Enis Ungan

Akademik Mentor
Prof. Ziya İder

Necip Kurt

Takım Üyeleri
Toygun Başaklar, Yiğit Tuncel, Muhammet Kavuştu, Mert Ergeneci, Deniz Yücel, Ahmet Said Ak

The aim of this project is designing a Video Pattern Generator (VPG) on a FPGA which uses the data from the aircraft's sensors and depending on this data, prints the predefined patterns on the Primary Flight Display (PFD). PFD is a unit of aircraft cockpit. VPG has 16 channels of input that comes from the sensors’ of the aircraft which is fed by UART. The data that come from those channels will be transformed into predefined patterns on PFD. Every pattern on the multi-functional screen will change depending on the corresponding channel. VPG will generate those patterns by reaching the building blocks of a pattern and produce it as ‘bit-map’ patterns. The predefined patterns will occupy designated part of the internal memory of the FPGA. The patterns can also move or rotating depending on the input data. VPG will take the video signal as an input and will print those generated patterns on the video. Our solution is similar to GPUs solutions. Basically, a frame buffer is used to hold the whole screen as 1 bit per pixel and 16 different processes run to fill the frame buffer as there are 16 data channels while the system prints the content of the frame buffer on the screen. The system that is designed to solve the problem contains a UART receive block, 16 Processor blocks, one MUX, one Controller block, one Frame Buffer and one DVI transmit interface block. For the final demonstration of the project, for simulation purposes, Hands on Throttle and Stick (H.O.T.A.S.) system will access to FPGA through PC. The system takes these data changes as inputs with the help of UART and processes them as it is mentioned on the above. Consequently, instantaneous data change will be controlled by the user, just like the pilot, and these changes can be seen on the screen.